追尋「小」孔恩傳統:愛丁堡學派的孔恩 理解及其在華文世界的進展

繆 航


      對採取強綱領立場的研究者來說,孔恩的一系列研究,被認為是支撐起「科學知識社會學」(sociology of scientific knowledge, SSK)的重要支柱。而孔恩對科學發展及變遷的解釋,也被認為是對科學(知識)進行社會學理解時,所不可或缺的科學哲學背景。有鑑於愛丁堡學派近來在華文世界日漸受到重視,本文希望能重返強綱領論者對孔恩論著的詮釋,並在探索兩者理論交錯的基礎上,回顧愛丁堡學派引入兩岸的過程,進而解讀兩岸因學術傳統及現實需求的不同而引發的諸多討論。我們希望經由這個重返孔恩的路徑,再次發現愛丁堡學派的精髓,並藉此歸結出孔恩的當代意義。

Tracing Thomas S. Kuhn's Contribution through the Lens of Edinburgh School: A Cross-Strait Perspective


      This article investigates the small view of Kuhn’s importance by tracing its origins, its adoption in Taiwan and Mainland China, as well as the process of its shaping and reshaping in these two places. According to Barry Barnes (2003), there are two schools in understanding Kuhn’s account of scientific change: the large and the small view. The former is impressed by Kuhn’s grand historical vision; the late however focuses on mundane everyday practice in science. The Edinburgh School/Strong Programme where Barnes belongs is convinced that, it is actually the small view that reflects the true value and contribution of Kuhn’s research. 50 years after the publication of The Structure of Scientifics Revolution, justice has already been done to the large view. It is time, we argue, to investigate the alternative perspective to Kuhn’s account and to examine the small view in great detail.
