編輯室報告 Editorial Report
洪廣冀Kuang-Chi HUNG
The More-than-Human History of Livestock Breeding in the Age of Agricultural Improvement in Modern Britain: Starting with the Legend of Robert Bakewell and His New Leicester Sheep
李鑑慧 Chien-hui LI
The Entanglement of Technology and Environment: “Tuning” Livelihoods, Water Use and Nature in Coastal Aquacultue
錢克綱 Kragen, Ko-Kang CHIEN
The Property and Technological Texture of Taiwan’s First Modern Industrial Factory, the “Taipei Railway Workshop”,1885-1958.
曾令毅 Lin-Yi TSENG
A Case Study of Inspiring Ethical Discussions about Science and Technology in Undergraduate Science Communication Courses
區曣中 Yin Chung AU
蔡令儀 Lin-Yi TSAI
Mutual Aspirations between STS and Modern History: A Case Study of Tianyan Lun and the Rise of Science as Cultural Authority
雷祥麟 Sean Hisang-Lin LEI
Towards Deliberative Governance and Responsible AI Innovation: Minutes of the Plenary Session of the Deliberative Assembly
范玟芳 Mei-Fang FAN
Technology, Society, and Materiality: Expanding Research Frontiers of Environmental Economic Geography
廖昱凱 Yu-Kai LIAO
From the 1435mm to 3nm: the Transnational History and Sociology of Technology
黃令名 Ling-Ming HUANG